Deutsche Telekom @ MWC

Deutsche Telekom @ Mobile World Congress

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FairWays FairWays

Compilation of individualized information collections according to own interests for fair visitors

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is considered the leading trade fair for the demonstration of new technologies and platforms to enable and improve mobile data use. Accordingly, Deutsche Telekom is one of the natural exhibitors, presenting a broad portfolio of products and services related to modern IT technology in addition to its established network services.  The challenge as an exhibitor is to communicate the broad range of topics in a targeted manner and to provide information material digitally.

With the help of the FairWays Platform, visitors were given the opportunity to collect topics at scanning stations using NFC cards. A scan station was representative for a topic or a topic cluster. The expert advisors for the respective topic / topic cluster were able to use the scanning station both to provide visitors with digital information material after the consultation and to receive it there and lead them into an expert discussion.

In summary, thanks to FairWays, visitors were able to create tailor-made collections of topics that correspond to their actual interests. The visitor profiles created also serve to evaluate preferred topics anonymously and are thus an important instrument for the further development of exhibited products and services.

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We are at your disposal

Current articles

Fragen Sie sich jetzt auch, was die Apollo-Mission mit NFC und Digitalisierung zu tun hat? Auf den ersten Blick nicht viel – doch wenn wir genauer hi…
Das Erste, an das Viele beim Thema NFC denken, ist meistens das kontaktlose Bezahlen mit der Bankkarte: Karte auf das Gerät legen – kurz warten – pie…
Im Alltag begegnet uns NFC mittlerweile bewusst oder unbewusst an den unterschiedlichsten Stellen: ob im Hotel beim Öffnen der Zimmertür, im Fitnesss…


The most completete and richful sortiment of NFC-products in E-Commerce.

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Intelligent digitization solutions for NFC-based inventory with additional maintenance and testing processes.

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NFC-Smart refers to all products developed by NFC21 that use NFC to make a predefined application as easy as possible.

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At the beginning of an NFC project there is the programming of the NFC tag. Our software solutions make this process easy and uncomplicated

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With NFC21-Solutions we support your ideas based on NFC. Profit from our experience and create your desired solution together with us.

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NFC21 GmbH
Merziger Str. 6
D-45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Fon: +49 208 / 698 219 31
Fax: +49 208 / 698 219 32