NFC for electronic driving licence control

NFC driving licence control

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Self destructive NFC tags as a non-transferable solution for control systems

An NFC sticker was sought that could only be stuck on once and would self-destruct when detached. The sticker was to be applied to the driver's license to manage the fleet management and the associated authorizations. Accordingly, the NFC sticker had to be no larger than 13mm x 21mm, have a high adhesive strength and be resistant to external influences in order to allow a longer service life.

As a result of the requirements, an NFC sticker was designed from coated PET material. The self-destruction mechanism was realized by several predetermined breaking points at the antenna connection of the NFC chip. When the sticker is removed, these breaking points tear and the NFC sticker is no longer usable.

For the first time this article was produced for the company YellowFox. Meanwhile these NFC stickers are used in various applications where the NFC sticker should not be transferable. Accordingly the product is now available as a standard product in our shop.

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Intelligent digitization solutions for NFC-based inventory with additional maintenance and testing processes.

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NFC-Smart refers to all products developed by NFC21 that use NFC to make a predefined application as easy as possible.

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At the beginning of an NFC project there is the programming of the NFC tag. Our software solutions make this process easy and uncomplicated

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With NFC21-Solutions we support your ideas based on NFC. Profit from our experience and create your desired solution together with us.

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NFC21 GmbH
Merziger Str. 6
D-45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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