Factsheet NFC21

Factsheet NFC21

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For business inquiries please refer to kontakt@nfc21.de

General Description

We as NFC21 dedicate ourselves to the technology of NFC in its fullest. This fairly "new" technology has already been introduced to everyday life more than 10 years ago and is just now starting to get more attention in everyday life. Still, its use needs explanation and consultation. We are very appreciative for every request: technical, conceptual or informative and happy to answer them all. We do not understand ourselves as a pure online seller of NFC products and software developer, but as pioneers of NFC technology - we are here to support everyone in making NFC come alive in everyday life.

The main motivation of NFC21 is to point out the potential of NFC with qualified products and intelligent solutions. Respectively, we pursue a holistic approach, containing the development, the production as well as the offering of products and software solutions based on NFC technology.

Our service includes: 

  • NFC21 Tag-Shop: The most complete and richful sortiment od NFC-products in e-commerce
  • NFC21 Cloud: Intelligent digitization for NFC-based inventory with additional maintenance and testing processes
  • NFC21 Smart: products that use NFC to simplify everyday life
  • NFC21 Fairways: interactive and paperless exhibition solutions for a unique visitor experience
  • NFC21 Tools: at the beginning of an NFC project there is the programming of the NFC tag. Our software solutions make this process easy and uncomplicated 
  • NFC21 Solutions: with NFC21-Solutions we support your ideas based on NFC. Profit from our experience and create your desired solution together with us

Our customer is broad-ranging: companies using NFC and NFC21-Solutions for a more efficient organization, advertisers the same as private customers for simplifying their day. Thus, we present all NFC-interested customers a platform for information and direct purchase of NFC products.

Our online shop contains a comprehensive assortment of 300+ NFC products with high availability and fast delivery. The range of products is complemented by customization and personal consultation for a perfectly fit product.

Our online shop contains a comprehensive assortment of 300+ NFC products with high
availability and fast delivery. The range of products is complemented by customization
and personal consultation for a perfectly fit product.

For more information on NFC products and our services visit nfc21.de and nfc-tag-shop.de

We are at your disposal

We are at your disposal

Current articles

Fragen Sie sich jetzt auch, was die Apollo-Mission mit NFC und Digitalisierung zu tun hat? Auf den ersten Blick nicht viel – doch wenn wir genauer hi…
Das Erste, an das Viele beim Thema NFC denken, ist meistens das kontaktlose Bezahlen mit der Bankkarte: Karte auf das Gerät legen – kurz warten – pie…
Im Alltag begegnet uns NFC mittlerweile bewusst oder unbewusst an den unterschiedlichsten Stellen: ob im Hotel beim Öffnen der Zimmertür, im Fitnesss…


The most completete and richful sortiment of NFC-products in E-Commerce.

Business area


Intelligent digitization solutions for NFC-based inventory with additional maintenance and testing processes.

Business area


NFC-Smart refers to all products developed by NFC21 that use NFC to make a predefined application as easy as possible.

Business area


At the beginning of an NFC project there is the programming of the NFC tag. Our software solutions make this process easy and uncomplicated

Business area


With NFC21-Solutions we support your ideas based on NFC. Profit from our experience and create your desired solution together with us.

Business area


NFC21 GmbH
Merziger Str. 6
D-45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Fon: +49 208 / 698 219 31
Fax: +49 208 / 698 219 32