Vodafone Future Connect Tour

Vodafone Future Connect Tour

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FairWays FairWays

A holistic concept for the interactive exploration of Vodafone’s Future Connect event for the compilation of individual theme collections.

Together with Vodafone, the participants went on a journey into the digital future in six different cities in Germany. The focus was particularly on the promising 5G standard for mobile internet and mobile telephony and its potential for future developments.

The variety of topics was demonstrated to the guests by means of topic-focused showcases – a broad spectrum ranging from renewable energies to the VR technology was covered. With the help pf FairWays a concept was developed across all events, so that visitors were able to digitally collect topics of interest to them in order to receive more information by email after the event.

To enable this interactive concept, an NFC reader was integrated in each showcase. By means of an NFC wristband, which the visitor received and registered before entering, the showcase could be scanned to collect a topic digitally. The NFC reader was integrated invisibliy under a wooden surface. The position was indicated by markings and the scan status by a colour changing LED. This unobtrusive integration guaranteed the focus on the theme of the showcase.

Thanks to FairWays, visitors of the event were able to gather topic collections tailored to their wishes. Furthermore, the concept motivated the visitors to discover the individual showcases that were present. By digitalising the information and dispensing flyers, the sustainability aspect was also emphasized. The subsequent sending of the individual theme collections by e-mail serves as an anchor in the visitors‘ memories, as all relevant informaton is available after the event. It was also possible to request the digital shopping basket afterwards via the NFC wristband, which also served as a positive memory of the event in form of a giveaway.

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